Our Awards
Our Awards
Throughout the course of our business we have won and been nominated for several awards.

2021 Finalist
Woman in Finance Awards – Entrepreneur of the Year
This esteemed awards program provides a platform for remarkable women leading in their field to be acknowledged and celebrated for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the industry.

Woman in Finance Awards – Entrepreneur of the Year

Smsf And Accounting Awards – Winner Editor’s Choice Award
Amanda Cassar, Wealth Planning Partners
The SMSF and Accounting Awards recognise professionals who are providing quality advice and services in their locale.
Congratulations Amanda on winning the Editor’s Choice Award at the SMSF and Accounting Awards 2018 in Brisbane

Smsf And Accounting Awards – Finalist Smsf Adviser Of The Year
Amanda Cassar, Wealth Planning Partners
The SMSF and Accounting Awards recognise professionals who are providing quality advice and services in their locale.

Fs Power50 Announces Most Influential Advisers
Financial Standard has launched its FS Power50 guide, recognising the 50 most influential financial advisers in Australia as voted by the industry.
In compiling the list, Financial Standard defined “influential” as individuals who have been or continue to be instrumental in shaping the future of the financial advice industry. Congratulations Amanda!

Amanda Cassar Winner – Smsf & Accounting Awards 2017.
Financial Standard has launched its FS Power50 guide, recognising the 50 most influential financial advisers in Australia as voted by the industry.
In compiling the list, Financial Standard defined “influential” as individuals who have been or continue to be instrumental in shaping the future of the financial advice industry. Congratulations Amanda!

Leanne Brazel, Wealth Planning Partners nominated as finalist in FSP Practice
Manager of the Year.

Amanda Cassar – won the Casey Kinnaird Memorial Award for Outstanding
Service to the Community.

Finalist – Female Excellence in Advice Award

Finalist – FSP Business Excellence and Innovation Award

» Leanne Brazel, Wealth Planning Partners took out the QLD/NT/WA Regional Winner for FSP iLearn Awards Night for Support Staff
» 2015 Financial Standard #FSPOWER50 for the 50 most influential people in social media in finance in Australia
(Amanda Cassar @financechicks and Wealth Planning Partners @WealthPP)

» Financial Standard SMILEYS – Again member of the Digital Dozen and #FSPOWER50 for the 50 most influential people in social media in finance in Australia
(Amanda Cassar @financechicks) http://www.financialstandard.com.au/news/view/44914024

» Financial Standard SMILEYS – The Conversationalist Award.
» Also awarded member of the Digital Dozen and #FSPOWER50 for the 50 most influential people in social media in finance in Australia
(Amanda Cassar @financechicks) http://www.financialstandard.com.au/news/view/36336291

CEO Magazine.
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Email: info@wealthplanningpartners.com.au
Office Hours:
9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday
9am - 12pm Friday
(Other appointment times by request)
WPP Licensee Services Pty Ltd
P.O Box 3592, Burleigh Town, QLD, 4220
Robina, QLD, 4226
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