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Facing the end of the growth cycle

Facing the end of the growth cycle

2018 has been a mixed year for investors, with some gains, and some losses.  But are we at the end of the growth cycle... for now? Market Cycles and the end of the Growth Cycle We’ve seen a complex economic environment with geopolitical and trade uncertainty, a change...

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Making Sense of Economic Data

Making Sense of Economic Data

Economists and traders around the world closely monitor dozens of economic surveys and indicators that are released each week across a range of countries. However, the most important market indicators which can shift the needle on global market performance are: GDP...

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Negative Gearing set to stay

Negative Gearing set to stay

Despite much talk, the Federal Government announced over the weekend they won't be making any changes to negative gearing in the upcoming budget. The news of course, was met with familiar cries that the tax concession distorts property prices and encourages...

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