Should I pay off my HECS debt early? Many are asking in light of the coming large CPI increase.

Should I pay off my HECS debt early? Many are asking in light of the coming large CPI increase.
Apparently, among richer nations, Aussies households are among the most in debt. Research from LF Economics, using official data, shows that Australian household debt has risen to 123% of the nation’s economic output, pushing both Denmark and Switzerland into second...
1. Never learning to budget. Every dollar earned does not need to be spent. Have a financial plan and rigorously stick to it. Budgeting also means having a regular saving plan in place. Buying a new car and thinking it’s the most important thing in your...
What’s your biggest financial challenge? We all have an area of our finances that we know could do with some attention but let’s face it – most of us would rather think about something else. The problem is that by doing that, we’re costing ourselves money – and more...
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