Insurance Insights
This page is designed to assist small business operators with market research, profiling customers and planning a business case. Links are provided to relevant ABS data, training, consultancy services and other useful information.
Don’t bequeath your super to the ATO
If you were to die before you’ve had a chance to spend all your super, who would you prefer to receive what’s left over?
Industry vs Retail
Industry Super versus Retail Super. Which is better for you? The correct answer could be either, neither or both.
Supersize Super
Would you like to supersize your super and take full advantage of all those lovely tax benefits that only super can offer?
Too Much Cover?
In Australia, Life Insurance and TPD Insurance is typically included in your super – by default.
Life Protection Solutions
What is it for?
If you have an accident or suffer an illness that means you’re unable to work, or only work in a reduced capacity, once your sick leave runs out and you no longer earn your full income, how will you afford to live?
Income Protection insurance provides you with, typically, 75% of your usual salary in a monthly payment – so you can keep making loan repayments, stay on top of household expenses and also continue to generate savings for your future.
Adviser Assisted Insurance Claims
The Decade of Living Dangerously
Too much insurance
Better get insured while you’re still bulletproof
Is that a Will or a Maybe
Head Office
P.O Box 3592, Burleigh Town, QLD, 4220
Contact Us
Phone: 07 5593 0855
Office Hours:
9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday
9am - 3pm Friday
(Other appointment times by request)
WPP Licensee Services Pty Ltd
P.O Box 3592, Burleigh Town, QLD, 4220
Robina, QLD, 4226
AFSL No. 530393
ABN# 76 649 079 998
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