Financial Advice
We’re here with a listening ear to see what you have in mind, provide honest feedback and look through eyes that aren’t emotionally involved in your personal situation. It’s likely we also consider things differently and because we help a lot of people, may have examples of how others managed just what you’re facing.
So, whether you have an intergenerational family issue to settle or small to medium business planning issues, we may just be able to assist with running the numbers and pointing out options you hadn’t even considered.
And where we can’t help, we’re sure to know some professionals who can.

Planning your redundancy strategy
The reality of redundancy is something that strikes many Australians. It may be sudden or it may come as no surprise at all, but in most cases it will be a time of uncertainty and change. It can also be a time of opportunity and renewal.
There are many issues to face and decisions to be made, so it is important to gain some perspective and get informed about the options, the pitfalls and opportunities. This brochure will give you an overview of these issues to help you start the process and your financial adviser can then give you specific advice to help you navigate the challenges of redundancy and make the most of your situation.
Head Office
P.O Box 3592, Burleigh Town, QLD, 4220
Contact Us
Phone: 07 5593 0855
Email: info@wealthplanningpartners.com.au
Office Hours:
9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday
9am - 12pm Friday
(Other appointment times by request)
WPP Licensee Services Pty Ltd
P.O Box 3592, Burleigh Town, QLD, 4220
Robina, QLD, 4226
AFSL No. 530393
ABN# 76 649 079 998
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