According to Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey, “the economy is growing at less than normal speed and the time to fix the budget is now.”

According to Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey, “the economy is growing at less than normal speed and the time to fix the budget is now.”
So the RBA have dropped the official cash rate down to 3.25% at the October Board meeting. Xmas in October then? Or once again, too little - too late? How does our Resource Story and China fit in with all this? Read the Macquarie Investment Management take on the...
Labor member for Canberra Gai Brodtmann attempts to explain how the increase in the superannuation levy from 9-12% will work and who’ll be funding the change
2012 Federal Budget Summary – highlights and what it means for you!
The 2012 Budget delivered a couple of changes for Superannuation, but nothing too extraordinary
Time to start tax planning for the end of 2012
All businesses with two or more owners need to consider what happens when things go wrong for one of the partners. Business Insurance strategies can assist in making any transition easier.
Please find following a few top tax tips to assist you to maximise your deductions for the coming end of financial year and take advantage of any tax rebates available: Tip 1 : Now is the time to Maximise your Deductions You’ve heard it before – but $1000 today is...
The Federal Budget has delivered little in the way of surprises. Against a backdrop of recent media chat about cuts and tough budgets, many measures were well publicised in the run-up toTreasurer Wayne Swan’s fourth Budget. And, as for toughness, it will be reasonably...
Taxes are a hefty financial issue and tho most of us don’t mind contributing our bit to the upkeep of this great nation – within reason, everyone really HATES unfair taxes! This interesting read turned up in my inbox this week on the Carbon Pollution and tax debate.
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