Warning, warning, warning, open your calendar now and lock in your insurance reviews!!!
Things have changed in your life. Change is the one big constant in this world. Some change is radical and obvious like loosing a job, or getting a promotion or getting married or having a baby or buying a house or getting a divorce.
Other change can be very covert and kind of creep up on us. Things shift and we don’t really notice. Try fitting into last summers bathers, or check the slow wear on your car tyres or the goals you set last year to stay on track with your life.
Will Rogers wrote, “even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” That is, run over by change if you don’t stay vigilant. Any successful person in their field will confirm that to achieve your goals you need to review them daily so the creeping change that we don’t notice, does not bump you off course.
If something is important to us, we need to make sure we treat it like a priority so that the urgent things in our hectic lives, don’t steal the show. Be vigilant, diarise your priorities and review your goals daily. Protect everything you have worked so hard for and ensure that you have the right insurance to keep you on track.
Be one of the few that work smarter and not harder!

Latest News / Blog Post
Posted on November 3, 2014
Are Your Insurances due for a Check-Up?
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